Let me guess:

You're here because you're tired of feeling like an outsider in your own life…

Pretending everything is “fine” even when everything is falling apart around you, Feeling like you're never doing “enough,” Burnt out, or like something is wrong with you.

you’re in the right spot.

How I work

At the core of my approach to therapy is a belief that WE ALL have a story to be heard.

Clients tell me that I’m unconventional and authentic and tend to keep it real.

I’m no different from you and I know how infuriating it can be to find a therapist that you can connect with. Like everyone else, I'm human. I've been been through both wonderful and difficult experiences that have shaped who I am and how I help.

Having suffered from some of my own trauma as a child, I knew I needed to heal myself first before I could effectively help others. It is through my own work and healing, that I have come to a place of strength and grace. And it is from this place, that I have a genuine desire to help others who are trying to recover from difficult life circumstances.

I also didn't get diagnosed with ADHD until I was 30! I've grieved over what my school experience could have been like, along with trying to understand my overly sensitive, chaotic, and messy parts of ADHD. I am able to recognize now that ADHD is one of my many superpowers

Your beautifully messy, complicated story matters TELL IT

in therapy with me…

We’ll dig deep.

I just don’t want to hear your story. Instead, I want to uncover past experiences and themes that have contributed to your present struggles and future fears. Your story isn’t just words but images, sounds, emotions, and body sensations that are held onto.

We are a team.

There is no “I” in team. Yes, I know, I used that really cliché quote. But for therapy to be most effective, we need to be on the same page. In our sessions, we're equals, and I don't believe I have all the answers. Rather, I believe they are within you. A strong therapeutic relationship is built on collaboration, honesty, and the belief that change is possible, along with a bit of humor, cursing, and maybe some snacks.

authenticIty matters.

For many of us, being authentically ourselves is absolutely terrifying. It took me years to break down the expectations of what a therapist, partner, friend, mother, or business owner 'should' look like, sound like, and be. I want your true, unfiltered, chaotic, messy self in our sessions. That's where the real healing happens.


First Responders


My background

I’ve spent over 10 years helping people OWN THEIR STORY.

  • I’m trained in a variety of therapy methods, allowing me to tailor my approach to your unique goals and needs. These include:

    • EMDR

    • Ego State

    • Somatics

    • Gottman

    • Master’s of Social Work, Kutuztown University 2014

    • PA LCSW: CW021518

    • Flordia Telehealth Provider

    • Utah LCSW: 13696736-3501

    • Washington State Social Worker Independent Clinical License: LW 61551086

    • EMDR Certified Therapist™

    • EMDR Consultant™

    • EMDR & Somatic Therapy

    • The Power of Process in Healing Trauma & Dissociation

    • Attachment-Focused EMDR: Healing Developmental Deficits and Adults Abused as Children

    • Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization Procedure for Individuals (ASSYST-I) and Groups (ASSYST-G)

    • EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-PRECI)

    • EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol for Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-IGTP-OTS)

Time to ignite the journey and unleash your potential.

Hit that button below to book a complimentary consultation. I'll handle your questions, and together, we'll see if we're the perfect match.